bubbelbubbling an object (new...
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bubbelbubbling an object (new code)
From:  Joel Evey
Date:  30. July 2006, 21:58

not the cleanest, but this allows you to use the bubbelbbubbling code on a pre-made path.

        var size = 50;
        var radius = 100;
        var dichte = 10;

    values = Dialog.prompt("graffmaster:", [
        { value: size, description: "size", width: 20 },
        { value: radius, description: "radius", width: 30 },
        { value: dichte, description: "dichte", width: 20 }
    if (values != null) {
        size = values[0];
        radius = values[1];
        dichte = values[2];

res = new Path();
var art = activeDocument.getSelectedItems()[0];

		art.curvesToPoints(2, 10000);
		var count = art.curves.length;
        for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            var bezier = art.curves[i];
            var pt = bezier.getPoint(0);
            var n = bezier.getNormal(1);
            if (n.x != 0 || n.y != 0) {
        var degree = Math.random() * 360;
        var rad = radius * Math.random();
        var xPt = pt.x + rad * Math.sin(degree * Math.PI / 180);
        var yPt = pt.y + rad * Math.cos(degree * Math.PI / 180);
        var newSize = size * Math.random() ;
        rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, newSize, newSize); = new Point(xPt, yPt);

let me know if you make updates to the code.

08.08.14, 15:24
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Script of the Moment
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