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From:  asker
Date:  4. September 2013, 12:33


question is: is there a onChange-Event for changing documents?

i have stored values to the document like which are inserted through a textfield on a palette, but if I switch to an other document the textfield does not update ...

.. so is there a way to refresh/reload the script when changing the document?
a workaround?


Re: document.onChange
From:  pqbd
Date:  6. September 2013, 04:55

Adobe provides such a callback for CS6 in the CSXS suite, but I don't believe it can be implemented here. Here's a link if you're interested.

As a workaround, why not use scriptographer to do the document switching? Either a keyboard shortcut or a set of buttons on the palette looks like it would work.

Re: document.onChange
Date:  8. September 2013, 01:01

a 'refresh' button on the pallette was my thought -
I had a look around what Illustrator native provides ... no go.

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