Modifying Object Mutliple ras...
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Modifying Object Mutliple raster to work with pixels?
From:  Sam
Date:  5. August 2007, 01:06

I've combined Object Mutiple raster and object rotation raster to combined their effects. However, I would like to modify it further so that instead of working with vector images I could use pixel based images.

So we have 2 images. We have a pixel image that is being mapped onto, and we have a collection of rastered vector objects that get mapped onto the pixel image. Instead I would like to use a collection of pixel images to be mapped onto the same original pixel image (when using vector objects).

Is this possible? How would I do that?


Re: Modifying Object Mutliple raster to work with pixels?
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  22. August 2007, 00:58

Hi Sam,

Did you try to select two pixel images, and make sure that the image to raster is bellow the image to be used as a raster cell?

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