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From:  kveldulfr
Date:  27. November 2007, 13:26

Downloaded Scriptographer_Mac_CS_2.0.025.dmg for Illustrator CS, Mac OS 10.3.9
Plugin loads, all interactive tools work, but none of the other scripts work
When I press "play" nothing happens, console is empty

"About Scriptographer..." from the menu shows version 2.0.024

Re: Scriptographer_Mac_CS_2.0.025
From:  kveldulfr
Date:  27. November 2007, 17:26

actually, all scripts which use Dialog.prompt or something like that, halt around that line

Re: Scriptographer_Mac_CS_2.0.025
From:  kveldulfr
Date:  27. November 2007, 19:57

2.0.023 is the latest version that works at my system, more or less

Re: Scriptographer_Mac_CS_2.0.025
From:  kveldulfr (drgs)
Date:  27. November 2007, 21:32

I switched back to 025, Dialog.alert and DIalog.confirm work ok, but not DIalog.prompt (tested with included scripts)

Again, im using Illustrator 11.0.0 CS, Mac OS 10.3.9....

08.08.14, 15:24
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Script of the Moment
Hexagonal Rasterizer 02.03.14