tools don't work
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tools don't work
From:  zechi
Date:  7. August 2010, 18:11


i'm new to scriptographer, and ran into a strange problem. When I try to execute one of the included interactive tools such as "multi lines" for example nothing is happening. I run the script by pressing the play button, select the pencil from the toolbox and can't draw on the canvas ..

When I start illustrator the console window of scriptographer shows "TypeError: redeclaration of const Pathfinder."

the scripts located in the "scripts" folder such as "spiro" work very well. Am I doing something wrong? Would be nice if someone could help me.

thanks in advance,


Re: tools don't work
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  13. August 2010, 16:16

Hi Christoph,

Could you please send all the files contained in the Logs folder inside the Scriptographer folder to team(at) I shall then try to find out what is causing this.

Re: tools don't work
From:  Benny
Date:  21. September 2010, 20:16


Are there any results ? I kind of have the same problem. I can't execute any interactive tool as well. I select a script, I press play to activate it and select the "scriptographer-pen" but nothing happens when I try to draw.
I don't have problems running the raster-scripts, though.

what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance,


Re: tools don't work
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  22. September 2010, 11:41

Hi Benny,

Which tools don't work for you? Have you tried multiples? Is there anything in the console log?

Re: tools don't work
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  22. September 2010, 14:27

Christoph, I just updated version 2.8.055 for Windows, which should solve your issue. Could you download again to see if it works now?

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Script of the Moment
The Allineatorium 15.05.14