Vector Pixels on random grid...
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Vector Pixels on random grid in different sizes
From:  Meiko
Date:  12. November 2013, 09:48


thanks for this community!

maybe you can help me with a problem:

what I would need is the pixel to vector-shape feature of some scriptographer scripts (as also found in phantasm) but based on a random frequency modulated grid.

the result should give the image of the original pixel-picture but the halftone dots should be "chaotic" in size AND position.

using phantasm and afterwards the TRANSFORM EACH random feature for changing the size and position of every has given me quite good but not great results. transform each will give me the non-regular grid appearance ...

is there a combination of scriptographer scripts that might work?

the jongware jsx CircleFill creates quite good random dot patterns, but is not suited for large areas (i.e. filling a whole DINA4). but I could manually adjust this pattern-area. is there any script that would change the size of the single dots of an existing pattern based on the halftone pixel data of an underlying pixel image?

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for any help

all the best

Re: Vector Pixels on random grid in different sizes
From:  pqbd
Date:  12. November 2013, 19:24

An example image would help, but are you looking for something like this?

Re: Vector Pixels on random grid in different sizes
From:  Meiko
Date:  13. November 2013, 15:01

exactly (almost)

thank you very much for the example.

i would like the white area to have a random pattern as well, but lighter than the dark areas... of course. but that could be probably managed by adjusting the gradient of the original pixel image.

so a random dot pattern that still gives an image by changing the random dot sizes according to the halftone of the pixel image. as a plugin in illustrator

thanks for help

Re: Vector Pixels on random grid in different sizes
From:  pqbd
Date:  20. November 2013, 17:09

You could implement this in Scriptographer, but I doubt you'll be able to achieve the efficiency of the tools mentioned in the link provided above. Since javascript is single-threaded, you would not be able to compute the areas and centroid of each cell in parallel.

Some folks were looking into this a few years ago, but I don't think anyone ended up generating a Sg based script:

08.08.14, 15:24
15.05.14, 14:23
02.03.14, 19:16
18.11.13, 14:48
22.03.13, 03:05
22.02.13, 15:45
10.01.17, 16:37
19.02.16, 06:03
19.02.16, 06:00
17.01.16, 11:00
12.01.16, 13:10
25.11.15, 08:19
Script of the Moment
Hexagonal Grid Generator 16.11.11