visibleRange returns only the...
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visibleRange returns only the first character
From:  vertex
Date:  27. May 2015, 13:19


the following example creates an text area where only the subtext 'Text which will' is visible.

var bottomLeft = new Point(10, 10);
var size = new Size(50, 50);
var rectangle = new Rectangle(bottomLeft, size);
var areaText = new AreaText(rectangle);
areaText.content = 'Text which will appear within the path';

console.log(areaText.visibleRange.content); // prints only 'T'

I've expected, that areaText.visibleRange will be the visible subtext, but regardless of the text box size, it returns only the first character.

I need this to check, if the whole text in an text area is visible.

Ciao Olli

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