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Creator:  karl badde
Date:  22. February 2007, 03:21

This Script traces parts of selected vector artworks like anchors, handlerpoints and handlers to return a printable editing mode view. This script was initially written for a project to document the workings of my font's glyphs.

All parts are placed in their own groups and are colored in CMYK mode making it a lot easier to customize added vectors. Users are supplied with a menue to edit anchor and handlerpoints sizes as well as stroke width of handlers.

Anchorman is based on parts of wallblazer, thanks a lot to Jonathan Puckey for finalizing the code. He made it a lot more user friendly.

Comment if you appreciate.

And for all work you're producing with the help of Anchorman: respect the architect!
(I'd be glad if you send me samples of what you've done: hi[at] or at least submit them to the galery)

08.08.14, 15:24
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19.02.16, 06:03
19.02.16, 06:00
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25.11.15, 08:19