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Creator:  mac daddy
Date:  22. March 2013, 03:05

Randomly moves selected objects. This script also has the option to randomly rotate objects. The option to move and rotate selected items are performed in such a way, so that individual amounts can be specified (within a range) and the percent of the items affected can also be modified. X and Y values, positive and negative values, and rotation orientation can be specified.

1 Comment
08.08.14, 15:24
15.05.14, 14:23
02.03.14, 19:16
18.11.13, 14:48
22.03.13, 03:05
22.02.13, 15:45
10.01.17, 16:37
19.02.16, 06:03
19.02.16, 06:00
17.01.16, 11:00
12.01.16, 13:10
25.11.15, 08:19