Ryan Kee
Location:  OKC, USA
Re: how do i... 24.01.07
The same thing happened to me when I downloaded the scripts. All I did was remove the .txt from the end and made sure .js wa...
Re: User defi... 22.01.07
Of course, I completely looked over that. Thanks again Simon. I still seem to be receiving this error when attempting to ru...
Re: Javascrip... 22.01.07
Well, if the output colors from the CAD program are always the same colors when output, you could just set up a simple action...
Re: User defi... 21.01.07
Thanks Simon. Your script works great for placing random CMYK values and thanks for pointing out that "values" in onOptions....
User defined... 20.01.07
Hey everyone, I'm trying to write a script that gathers all selected objects and applies user defined CMYK values at random t...
08.08.14, 15:24
15.05.14, 14:23
02.03.14, 19:16
18.11.13, 14:48
22.03.13, 03:05
22.02.13, 15:45
10.01.17, 16:37
19.02.16, 06:03
19.02.16, 06:00
17.01.16, 11:00
12.01.16, 13:10
25.11.15, 08:19
Script of the Moment
Stroke 3D 16.06.09