Location:  Bangladesh
Re: paper.js 09.08.14
Paper.js is based on and largely compatible with Scriptographer, a scripting environment for Adobe Illustrator with an active...
Re: Rectangle... 09.08.14
Artboards are a unique and powerful feature of Illustrator. The artboard works just like a piece of paper would on a physical...
Re: Create Ph... 05.08.14
Yes there is a way we can include the hexagon shape within the drawing mode. The source code contained can be found by sele...
Re: any one k... 05.08.14
You require the barcode as an image that you can place on the cover just like (for example) the thumbnail picture of the auth...
08.08.14, 15:24
15.05.14, 14:23
02.03.14, 19:16
18.11.13, 14:48
22.03.13, 03:05
22.02.13, 15:45
10.01.17, 16:37
19.02.16, 06:03
19.02.16, 06:00
17.01.16, 11:00
12.01.16, 13:10
25.11.15, 08:19
Script of the Moment
Abstract Foliage 18.08.08